Posted by: divineprosperity | December 9, 2007

Stop The Self-Sabotage Cycle

Stop The Self Sabotage Cycle..Any Goal Worth Having is Worth Working Hard For.

Today is a perfect a time for renewal. Right now is the optimum time to grow out of your old self-defeating self-sabotaging behaviors (acts that initiate failure).

I remember my brother grew four inches in one summer. Everyone expected him to be different, more mature and more responsible.

He wasn’t. He was the same innocent jokester who threw outrageous tantrums and outbursts from the frustration of not getting his way. He was still the same inside…only taller!

Now that I think about it, it’s hilarious just thinking of some of the tantrums he would have. We had not idea that his emotional development was not growing at the rate of his bones.

I experienced the same thing myself when it came to dieting, weight loss and success. Only I did it to myself.

I could have given the Hasbro toy company a run for their money. They thought they were the top yo-yo maker in the world.

Ha! I was a top yo-yo in the world. Yo-yo dieter that it. I went up and down in weight like a roller coaster. It was a horrible way to live. I was never at peace and I felt so ashamed. There is nothing worse than knowing you can do better, but not having the tools or the power to do change.

I would get anxious, upset or depressed about something and I would go on an all food is fair game, eating binge and gain fifteen pounds.

I would listen to a motivational speaker or CD, get excited about something else, set a goal, get motivated and go on some crazy diet drop and10 pounds really really fast. I would either reach my goal and not replace it with a bigger and better one or I would be faced with a situation that was stressful and bam, I would end up right back where I started from.

In not time at all, I would start to gain weight again either by celebrating my goal or getting bored, lazy or just plain self destructive, I would go on another binge and gain 10 pounds back. Then I would repeat the entire sequence, over and over.

This cycle went on for years, through high school and college. At my peak weight, I was over 170+ pounds and growing. My physical body and emotional state was in utter ruins. I was living a life of spiritual poverty. I was manifesting my true inner self. You can say whatever you want, but when you cannot get full from eating three plates full of food at a buffet, you are suffering from a spirit of poverty. No matter how much you eat, you still don’t feel like you got enough.
That is what is going on in your heart, you don’t have enough, you can’t get enough and you have to consume it all right now because you are afraid you will never have enough. That is the place where I was living at the time. No matter how much or how often I ate, I was never satiated or satisfied.

Only by Divine Love could I really be set free from the bondage of poverty, self-hatred, guilt, fear, negativity and lack. I had no idea that I had to heal from the outside in. If you would have told me that I would go from being a fat kid living on ice cream and oreos who would cry in her sleep from the pain and guilt of not feeling equal or worthy to gracing a billboard as Nike Spokesmodel in London, I would have not believed it.

That is exactly what happened, using the principles I wrote about in my best selling book Body Revival, I was given the privilege to speak and inspire others about how anyone can turn their misforunte into a fortune.

Here’s what happened to me after I began to lose weight…

Fat or Fit
I dropped over fifty pounds, but I still saw myself as 170. I became bulimic from the internal emotional wars I was engaged in. No matter what size I was on the outside, in my mind, I was still heavy. I was judging myself from the outside in instead of the way it should be, the inside out.

Even though I was fit, I still saw myself as fat.

Once I became healed on the inside by a soul transformation, I was able to let the extra weight (limiting beliefs, negative emotions, judgmental thinking and chronic shame and blame). I now had the power, strength and ability to let go of the extra weight on the outside. Physical conditions reflect what is happening to us inside. It is an outworking of the cells in chaos, disorder and destructive attack against the healthy cells.

What I experienced is a great example of spiritual growth and healing that is of a Divine Nature and not some psychological formula that I was given by someone who does not follow the creator of our minds and bodies. If you have a problem with your car engine, you don’t take it to a plumber, you take it to the manufacturer, the creator of your car. I look to the Infinite Creator for understanding.

Your Divine Development
How about you? Where are you right now in your Divine development? Do you blame anyone for your situation, circumstances or conditions? Right now as you are reading this I want you to take inventory, evaluate your beliefs, actions and current state of mind? Is it serving you or are you serving it? It can control you if you allow it to.

Don King – Paid His Debt
Don King, The famous eccentric boxing promoter was convicted of second-degree murder. Normally, this would have meant a life sentence with eligibility for parole after eight and a half years. Oddly, the presiding judge—in a highly controversial decision reached in the privacy of his chambers—set aside the execution of the sentence, in effect changing the conviction-to manslaughter, which allowed King to emerge from prison in less than four years.
There is no question that Don King used his years in prison to great advantage. He read widely in literature and philosophy, getting the education he had bypassed before. As he put it himself: “I didn’t serve time. I made time serve me.” He also managed to purchase from a Cleveland city councilor a 40-acre farm for a mere $1,000, a decidedly small sum for such a property. Interestingly, the farm was occupied by a woman named Hattie Renwick, a widow who eventually married Don King.

I have repeat that again….”I didn’t serve time, I made time serve me.
I do not endorse criminals, but I wanted to show you an example of how he turned his life around. He used that time to study the bible, read biographies of great leaders and he said he studied a lot of Shakespear, he became a learned man who renewed and his soul, polished his whit and sharpened his tongue which has made him a highly sought after millionaire and speaker.

Where Are You Now?
Are you on track? Have you reached your targeted goals? If you have not reached your targeted goals, it’s because you did not set or establish a clear target with check-points, deadlines, and alternatives. Anything worth having is worth working for. Why are we settling for mediocrity?

Why are we so quick to say, “oh well, I don’t have time to workout or study or learn something new. I’m getting older, I ‘m supposed to get fat”. I work all the time, I have no time to study and learn how to get rich.

No Limit Thinkers
Let’s look at Madonna, she was just offered a $100 million dollar record deal. Jack Lalane is busier now than he has ever been, he said that his business is growing at a faster rate than ever.

When it comes to love, Larry Page, the world’s only remaining bachelor Google billionaire, is getting married to the love of his life. Page, 34, the son of Michigan State University professors, is the fifth-richest person in the US. His personal wealth of $18.5 billion (9 billion) is larger than the GDP of Iceland. Once he made his fortune, he was now ready for love.

Page co-founded Google in 1998 with Sergey Brin, his Russian-born classmate, also 34, and also worth $18.5 billion. Since going public in 2004, Google’s shares have risen sevenfold in value and the company is valued at a quarter of a trillion dollars.
The two students reportedly took an instant dislike to each other at Stanford before they bonded over a mutual love of retrieving relevant information from large data sets. They put aside their personality quirks and joined forces.

Together, they authored the now-classic paper, The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. In the academic world, the paper is the equivalent of a bestseller, being the tenth-most-accessed scientific paper at Stanford.

Pages bride to be also proves you can never learn too much. Lucy Southworth, Page’s fiancée is a doctoral student in biomedical informatics at Stanford University. Southworth previously studied at Oxford, where she gained an MSC.

Don’t settle in, don’t sit back and let limits infest your mind, your body or your destiny.  Tap into the power of Divine Love and ask Him to show you how to get in the flow of Divine Prosperity.

we must stop repeating things that bring pain and start creating new experiences that is jet fuel to light up our dreams.

Live life to the fullest every day!

Blessings and Abundance!

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